Detox with 7 Days of Me Vital Cleanse by Janesce

Janesce Vital Cleanse

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Discover the 7 DAYS OF ME Janesce Vital Cleanse

7 DAYS OF ME is a gentle, one-week clean-eating detox, which results in a renewed you! It offers a myriad of benefits such as clearer skin and eyes, increased energy and concentration, a feeling of lightness and well-being and weight loss just to name a few. It is a beautiful rebalancing ritual to do each autumn and spring, but can be done any time throughout the year. If you want to move towards creating a healthier lifestyle, this gentle yet powerful cleanse is the perfect first step.

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Detox Without Deprivation

The 7 DAYS OF ME cleanse involves eliminating foods and drinks such as refined sugar, coffee and alcohol that overload the body. Instead you eat foods that are packed full of nutrients that support your body’s natural detoxification processes. Predominantly raw, organic foods feature in the cleanse because of their ease of digestion and the cleansing effect they have on your body. This is not a starvation detox – you will eat nourishing food regularly and will be able to continue on with your normal routines.

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Renewed Energy & Well-Bein

Nature has cleverly provided our bodies with a very efficient detoxification system; namely the liver, bowel, kidneys and skin. These are the primary eliminators of toxins and metabolic waste. If we eat healthy food and drink enough water, our bodies are designed to ‘detox’ naturally everyday. However, with our busy, stress-filled lives this isn’t always possible! That’s why an ‘inner cleanse’ gives your body a chance to detoxify and renew itself, and to channel its energy into revitalising your skin, body and well-being. You’ll feel the difference!

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Reimagined for Busy Women Janesce Vital Cleanse

Reimagined for Busy Women

Dermo-nutritionist and skincare therapist educator, Janine Tait, and cancer survivor and culinary creative, Sheryl Nicholson have co-created the DAYS OF ME Janesce Vital Cleanse book and value-pack with the busy, modern woman in mind. If you are not blessed with a good culinary imagination, don’t worry! Sheryl has taken the cleanse principles and created a series of cleanse-friendly recipes which are easy to make and delicious to eat. A shopping guide and meal planner set you up for success while the book includes just the right blend of information and inspiration to support you on your cleanse

Treating Skin Disorders From Within Janesce Vital Cleanse

Treating Skin Disorders From Within

“Over the years I have mentored hundreds of people through the Vital Cleanse to help heal their skin. The cleanse assists skin by removing the irritating foods that are helping fuel the skin problem and replacing them with foods that are rich in nutrients the skin needs to strengthen and heal. It ensures that the two main filters (kidneys and liver) and the four exits (bowels, bladder, lungs and skin) are well supported. This ‘clearing of the slate’ makes your body much more receptive to both internal and external skin treatment and the results more effective.” ~ Janine Tait

A Beautiful 40 Year History… Janesce

A Beautiful 40 Year History…

The Janesce Vital Cleanse principles were developed 40 years ago by Adelaide naturopath Janice Sarre Smith for the purpose of preparing her client’s bodies to heal their skin. Janice firmly believed that wellness and beauty are interconnected and her Janesce Skincare range and dermo-nutrition menus are centred on this philosophy.

What Does The 7 Days of Me Pack Include?

Janesce 7 Days of Me Vital Cleanse Pack

Janesce 7 Days of Me Vital Cleanse Pack


The 7 DAYS OF ME Vital Cleanse Pack sets you up with everything you need for a flawless cleanse. It contains the 7 DAYS OF ME Vital Cleanse Book, Janesce Aperitif (100ml), Bestow Beauty Oil (500ml), Bestow Body Brush, Detox Bath Salts and Bestow Blessings Journal.

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7 Days of Delicious and Nutritious Recipes

7 Days of Delicious and Nutritious Recipes

People rave about how easy, tasty and filling the 7 DAYS OF ME recipes are. With stunning photography and easy to follow instructions you’ll soon be making Overnight Oats, Salmon Parcels, Baked Falafels and Roast Pumpkin Fritatta like a pro!

7 DAY Meal Planner & Shopping Guide

7 DAY Meal Planner & Shopping Guide

If you are not organised with a cleanse like this you are more likely to allow unhealthy food choices to sneak in. Preparation is the key and this book is designed to help you be as organised as possible. Our strategic meal planner and detailed shopping guide do all the ‘thinking’ for you – you just need to follow the instructions.

Janesce Aperitif (100mls)

Janesce Aperitif (100mls)

The Aperitif is a natural blood cleanser and liver tonic that helps the body to gently detoxify. It is prepared from the extracts of 14 different plants, which have been used for centuries to enhance the functioning of the main elimination organs.

Bestow Beauty Oil (500mls)

Bestow Beauty Oil (500mls)

This uniquely formulated blend of seed oils helps to nourish and decongest the skin. It also supports detoxification on a cellular level.

Bestow Dry Bristle Brush

Bestow Dry Bristle Brush

Your skin is your body’s largest eliminative organ and is responsible for one quarter of the body’s detoxification each day. Dry brushing enhances this process and is a wonderful detoxification aid.

Detoxification Bath Salts

Detoxification Bath Salts

Epsom Salts are made up of magnesium sulphate crystals. The sulphates help draw toxins out from your body, while the magnesium helps ease muscle pain and tension. Enjoy a lovely, long soak that lets you relax and detox at the same time!

Bestow Blessings Journal

Bestow Blessings Journal

This beautiful gratitude journal has been designed to help you establish a practice of making a daily record of the blessings in each day. Gratitude directs our entire being towards health by boosting our immune system and promoting healing.

How Will I Feel During the Janesce Vital Cleanse?

The Vital Cleanse promotes energy by providing our bodies with nutrient-rich foods and removing all the crutches (coffee, alcohol, refined sugar and refined carbohydrates) that give us an initial burst of energy and then drop us down again. These substances can set up a roller coaster of energy fluctuations leaving us tired and craving stimulants. The cleanse ensures you eat regularly and avoids the blood sugar levels becoming too low, which improves energy levels. You may feel yucky at some points of the cleanse because your digestive system is adjusting to the change of food and you are withdrawing from the stimulants your body has become reliant on. After about three to four days you feel much better because your body is regulating its own energy levels without the artificial highs stimulants give you. The energy boost that comes at the end of the cleanse can be due to improved digestion and elimination, a diet rich in nutrients and improved blood sugar stabilisation.

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Ready To Begin Your Own Janesce Vital Cleanse?

As a clinic, we take part in the cleanse a week in Spring & Autumn each year. Join us!

We recommend that you choose a week to commit to the Vital Cleanse programme for your body’s sake. This is a week that’s just for YOU … for nurturing your body, skin and mind. So it’s important that it’s a week when you don’t have too many social activities planned or too big a to-do list. That way, you’ll be able to focus on your Vital Cleanse, enjoy lots of delicious, fresh, health-giving foods and give yourself time to rest and rejuvenate. Avoid undertaking a detox on a busy week or if you’re a woman, it’s best not to do it in the week before your period.

It’s also important to avoid strenuous exercise. Instead, try replacing it with gentle, calming alternatives like walking, yoga or Tai Chi. Turn off the TV and pick up an inspiring book or listen to beautiful music. Take time to just BE.

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