Meet Kaylan, Spa Therapist
Meet Kaylan, Spa Therapist

Meet Kaylan, Spa Therapist

By Hannah

Meet Kaylan

Spa & Beauty Therapist

”Hi! My name is Kaylan, and I am a therapist at lovesoul. I completed my Diploma in Beauty Therapy with Elite School of Beauty and Spa. I have previous experience in the industry, but I must say that nothing has felt quite like ‘home’ as working at lovesoul. I have a passion for skincare, performing facials and many beauty related treatments to the highest standard. I take pride in looking after my clients and making sure that they leave happy and satisfied at the end of each treatment. I love the philosophy that lovesoul promotes and I look forward to sharing that knowledge with you. Hannah and Emma are such a delight and I am so grateful to be working along such talented, passionate and experienced therapists. I am so excited to start my journey at lovesoul and to get to know all you beautiful clients.”

~ Kaylan

Interview with Kaylan

What do you love most about being a beauty therapist?

I love being a beauty therapist as I find it to be a very rewarding career. Helping others in various ways and making people feel beautiful is what I love most. As a beauty therapist I am able to be creative as well and make someone’s desired outcome a reality. No day is ever the same and that’s what makes the job so exciting.

Could you share a bit about your journey in this industry and any milestones you’ve achieved?

I completed my diploma in beauty therapy at Elite school of beauty and spa in 2021. I immediately fell in love with all aspects of beauty therapy, especially learning the reasoning behind how certain treatments are performed and the different techniques used. I’m still fairly new to the industry but I feel that just like any other career, you’re always learning something new. As a beauty therapist there is so much to learn and things we can pick up from other therapists, having that passion to want to improve my craft and be the best at what I do is what keeps me going.

What is your favourite treatment? (to give and/or receive)

Facials and Massage. I love performing these treatments on client’s as I feel they have a great impact on making someone feel better mentally. Helping someone relax, de-stress and escape into a world of bliss is just one of the many reasons I enjoy performing these treatments. Alleviating pain is also an important part of giving massages, and knowing I can help someone feel better as a whole is very rewarding. This is probably why I love receiving these treatments as I get to feel the benefits of a relaxing treatment. As a beauty therapist you’re on your feet for most of the day, doing all sorts of different tasks so a massage is always greatly appreciated.

What is your favourite beauty product or tool that you can’t live without?

The Janesce Rose Petal Cleanser is probably the best cleanser I’ve used. It does not dry the skin or leave it feeling taut. It is so soft and gentle on the skin and helps keep the skin barrier intact. I love the Janesce Sensitive/Dehydrated Concentrate Serum as well as the Ancient earth mineral mask. I will never use another mask again. You immediately notice a difference in how your skin looks and feels.

At the moment I’m obsessed with the Janesce Skin Soaking Routine. All the different soaking drops smell divine and really benefit the skin. Taking the time to soak and hydrate my skin has become such a precious form of self-care for me. The smell of the soaking drops adds an element of aromatherapy. Taking slow deep breaths lets me focus on my breathing, calming my mind and body, triggering the parasympathetic nervous system, which helps to reduce any stress or anxiety I may have.

Could you talk about your philosophy when it comes to skincare and wellness?

I believe that our skin is truly a reflection of our lives. What we put into it, what we put on it and what we expose it to. There are many elements that affect the way our skin looks and taking this into consideration and not only focusing on topical products/ treatments will really make a difference in how our skin looks and feels. I think of the human body as an engine and in order for that engine to function properly it needs energy and proper maintenance. Mental health is also really important. Our diet and lifestyle can have a major impact on our mental clarity as well. Eating healthy nutritious meals to fuel our body’s, drinking enough water, physical activity, getting enough sleep, supplementing our bodies with nutrients it can’t make itself, and managing stress levels are all components to think about when achieving our skin goals.

What’s your go-to form of self-care to unwind after a busy day?

I like to pamper myself at home. A nice bath filled with epsom salts and the Janesce Lavender Soaking Drops helps me to de-stress and relax my muscles. Lots of candles, a cup of the Bestow Generositea tea is my favorite. Calming music in the background, specifically 432 Hz music and a good book is the ultimate self-care routine for me.

Besides being a talented beauty therapist, what are some things you love to do outside of your profession?

I love cooking and baking. There’s really something therapeutic about chopping vegetables, tossing ingredients together to make a salad or salad dressing, or simply icing and decorating a cake. The Bestow cookbooks have some really great, nutritious and delicious meals to try. Bestow Treats Cookbooks are great if you have a sweet tooth like me.

What’s something you wish all clients knew about when it comes to skin care?

Hydration and consistency is key. Hydrating the skin through soaking twice a day really goes a long way. I remember when I first started soaking, I immediately noticed a difference in the way my skin looked and felt. What really made me love it more, was the people around me noticing the difference, the compliments I get is what lets me know it really works. Developing a routine that suits you best and being consistent with it, is the only way to see true results. Also being patient and knowing that things take time, trusting the process and allowing your skin to adjust and respond accordingly.

Book With Kaylan

Kaylan - Beauty Therapist

Meet Kaylan, Spa Therapist