Last updated: 12 Sep, 2022
lovesoul during the COVID-19 Pandemic
We are currently responding faster via email as some weeks we are open reduced hours. It may be quicker to send an email instead of phone call. You are welcome to try both. If we go into lockdown, our premises are closed and our phone lines are unmanned. This means we are unable to receive or return phone messages. In this case, please get in touch via email: [email protected]
Before you visit, and if you have an appointment with us, please ensure you read the additional policies and notices we have in place during the COVID Pandemic, as follows:
- Please look after us, so we can look after you!
- Reschedule if you are unwell. Do not come to your appointment if you are any kind of SICK. We have always had this policy in place, but it is especially important now. We can be lenient with our cancellation policy, but we still ask to aim for the usual 24 hours where possible.
- Please also reschedule your appointment if within the last 14 days, you have travelled internationally, you have come into contact with any suspected, probable or confirmed COVID-19 cases (including places of interest), or if you have experienced any of the following symptoms: dry cough, fever, tiredness, aches and pains, sore throat, headache or loss of taste or smell.
- Neither clients nor therapists are required to wear masks. You may wear your own mask to your appointment if you choose.
- Please sanitise or wash your hands on arrival and before coming into our spa, and please comply with any other instructions from staff during your visit. We may ask you to sign our COVID Health Agreement waiver to say you agree and understand our policies.
- Understand the recommendation to wait 2 weeks after any COVID vaccinations before booking in your treatments (see more information below).
- As we have always done, we have a full sanitisation cleaning procedure between every client.
- We have implemented a no COVID / VAX / POLITICS talk policy in our spa to maintain our space of peace and relaxation. Keep the COVID, pandemic, vaccination and political opinions out of lovesoul. Let’s talk about something else!
- By keeping your booked appointment you are saying you agree to and understand all of our policies.
Looking for an appointment? | Spa & Beauty Treatments
We’d love to have you in! To make a booking, we recommend booking online through our website in advance. We are often fully booked and working from a waiting list. If you don’t find the time you would like, you are welcome to add yourself to our waitlist where we can email you if another client cancels. Please fill out our waitlist form (button below) - and thank you for your patience!
COVID Vaccinations: Wait 2 Weeks Before Treatments
Please keep this in mind when making appointments if this might apply to you:
Based on research from around the world and reports of the effects of treatments after vaccination for COVID 19, the NHS & NZARBP recommend waiting a 2 week period after any COVID vaccinations before receiving any invasive treatments (for lovesoul this means waxing, but could also apply to other treatments).
The reason for the recommended two week timeframe is to wait for any potential symptoms from the vaccine to subside; not everyone experiences noticeable symptoms after vaccination, but your body will typically have some type of inflammatory response to this.
TIP: Keep Your Immune System Strong
It’s always important to keep yourself healthy and your immune system strong. With all the happenings in the world right now, it’s even more important.
As 80% of your immunity comes from your gut lining, it’s important to keep your gut healthy. If you are stockpiling your groceries, please don’t forget the fruit and veg! You can freeze it too! Avoid ONLY stocking up on the carbohydrates and the toilet paper! Our Gut Love powder contains pre and probiotics it also has added Vitamin D and will add a boost in any healthy smoothies. Our Bestow from Beneath capsules also contain essential nutrients for our immune systems. We also have the Collagen Boost Powder which contains zinc, vitamin C, and lots of other goodies that will support both gut health and (in turn) immunity.
Don’t forget to drink lots of water, and get enough sleep! Get a good dose of sunlight and fresh air every day.
It’s always a good time to put some self-care rituals in place, and we’d love to see all your skins to be soaked and GLOWING next time we see you!
Thank you always for both your support and loyalty. My little business and I value you very much! Stay safe, and we look forward to having you all back in!
Sending lots of love and light!
Hannah xo