20 Things To Be Thankful For
20 Things To Be Thankful For

20 Things To Be Thankful For

By Hannah

There is always something to be thankful for, even on our worst days.

Sometimes we need a reminder.

I haven’t elaborated on these, I leave that up to you & your own interpretation. Take from it what you need, and have a positive filled week!

20 Things To Be Thankful For

  1. The amazing YOU that you are.
  2. Your friends, family, children & pets – and their love.
  3. Love & laughter.
  4. Your health, your body and the incredible things it does and can do for you.
  5. The place you call home, and the love that surrounds it.
  6. Clean food & water.
  7. Nature! The animals, the earth, the sunsets & the sunrises.
  8. Breathing fresh air.
  9. Sunshine!
  10. The opportunity to chase your dreams.
  11. Time alone.
  12. Time with your loved ones.
  13. Time in general!
  14. Learning from your mistakes.
  15. The ability to read, the opportunity to be educated.
  16. The ability to communicate.
  17. Books, knowledge, history.
  18. Technology, the Internet – and the infinite level of information that comes with it.
  19. Art, music & its inspiration.
  20. Kindness.

What are you thankful for?

20 Things To Be Thankful For